About Short Term Independent Study (STIS)

DSIS coordinates the Short Term Independent Study (STIS) program for students attending Davis senior high school, King high school, Emerson Jr. high, Harper Jr. high or Holmes Jr. high. Students at any other school should contact their school to request short-term independent study.

STIS Guidelines

Short Term Independent study does not start until September 9, 2024.  To be granted STIS you must make your request at least 5 school days before you leave to allow teachers time to prepare the assignments.  Requests that are submitted less than 5 school days prior to the absence will not be approved.

Short Term Independent Study is approved for leaves between 1-10 school days per occurrence.  Short Term Independent Study is limited to a maximum of 15 school days in one school year.  Absences that extend beyond the approved dates may trigger a truancy letter since these additional days are not state approved absences. As long as the student does not incur additional unexcused absences over the course of the school year, the letter will not be followed by further action.

The last day to request Short Term Independent Study is May 22, 2025.  All students must return from Short Term Independent Study by June 2, 2025 to allow teacher’s grading time before school ends.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please call Samantha Amescua at 530-757-5333 ext. 362.

Please note that STIS starts on September 9, 2024 and must be completed by June 2, 2025.

Please complete this form to request Short Term Independent Study.   If your student is in elementary school or DaVinci please contact their schools directly, they handle their own independent study.  


Short term independent study must be requested at least 5 teaching days in advance by completing the online form. 

STIS that extends beyond 10 days may trigger a truancy letter since these additional days are not state approved absences. As long as the student does not incur additional unexcused absences over the course of the school year, the letter will not be followed by further action.

STIS Procedure:

  • Please contact Samantha Amescua with questions.
  • If you are unable to access the online form please visit the DSIS office. 
  • The coordinator, Samantha Amescua, will send the Written Agreement through Informed K12.  She will email the parent/guardian the directions and Assignment Sheets.
  • The student will print the assignment sheets and give them to each teacher to be filled out. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment sheets back from the teachers before they start the absences.  All assignment sheets must included detailed instructions in order for DSIS to issue attendance credit.
  • The Written Agreement must be signed by parent and student and submitted through Informed K12 before the first day of Short Term Independent Study. Failure to return the signed Written Agreement before the STIS starts will result in this being denied and the student absences will be marked as unexcused.
  • If your student has an IEP, then a meeting-less amendment is a required step that must be completed before the beginning of STIS.  The amendment form will be provided by DSIS once your request has been processed. Complete and sign the top portion of amendment.  Take the form to your student's school site so that it can be signed by the case manager and principal. 
  • All assignment sheets and copies of student work are due to DSIS on the first day back at school. It is the responsibility of the student to make copies of the student work. This includes work submitted electronically.
    The original assignments are turned in to your teachers.
  • Please note that if the assigned work is not turned in to DSIS after one week from returning from travel study, the student absences will be marked unexcused.
  • Information on Da Vinci Charter STIS can be found here.
  • Please contact your elementary school office for STIS at those sites.

(Optional) Before signing a written agreement the parent or guardian of a pupil may request a telephone, videoconference, or in-person pupil-parent-educator conference or other school meeting during which the pupil, parent or guardian, and, if requested by the pupil or parent, an education advocate, may ask questions about the educational options, including which curriculum offerings and nonacademic supports will be available to the pupil in independent study, before making the decision about enrollment or disenrollment in the various options for learning.